The One Beam is Ginevri’s new concept bilirubinometer designed to give a precise measurement of the bilirubin serum level in newborns by using a simple micro sample of blood.
The One Beam allows for a rapid photo-metric analysis of the bilirubin total in the serum (totals of the conjugated and nonconjugated) using a capillary tube as an optical cell.
The bilirubin concentration is determined with a photo-metric measurement at the 455nm and 575nm wavelengths: the first wave length gives important information on the quantity of bilirubin, the second gives an indication of the presence of haemoglobin,
the substance which interferes with accurate measurement of the bilirubin level.
Thanks to an algorithmic mathematical calculation, the One Beam is capable of eliminating the haemoglobin interference factor allowing for accurate results to be of the bilirubin concentration
level in the blood.
The results are immediately displayed on the One Beam’s LCD screen in mg/100ml, or alternatively in micro-moles per liter.